Spanish container trade for November 2020 at highest level this year

Today, Puertos del Estado published the port statistics for November 2020 and the data show that the number of containers imported or exported to or from Spanish ports plus the container traffic between Spanish ports (cabotage) was slightly more than in October. However, when comparing with November 2019, total traffic increased with over 10%, mainly caused by a strong increase of transhipment traffic in Barcelona and Valencia.

Traffic in November increased by 1.3% when compared to October and was 0.8% higher when compared to November last year. The accumulated traffic, including transhipment volumes, for 2020 is still 6% less than that for the same period in 2019.

When we have a look at the major ports: Algeciras, Barcelona, and Valencia, we observe that Algeciras improved its Month-on-Month performance for international and local traffic (+7.3%) which was not enough to compensate for the loss of transhipment traffic (-3.5%), Barcelona handled again more transhipment (+19.5%) as well as saw its import, export and cabotage traffic improve (+3.5%), and Valencia experienced a growth for its international and local traffic (+3.5%) and lost transhipment traffic (-10.8%).


Source: Data from Puertos del Estado elaborated by CLAUpartners consulting

Container import, export and cabotage volumes for Spain reached 648 thousand TEU in November, and this is the highest monthly volume for 2020.

When we compare the COVID-19 crisis with the financial crisis that started in September 2008, we see a much stronger recovery today than happened then, as is clearly illustrated by the following graph with the index for import, export and cabotage traffic for all Spanish ports, setting the index of the volume handled at 100 at the start of the period. In November 2020 traffic surpassed the 100 level for the first time.

Source: Data from Puertos del Estado elaborated by CLAUpartners consulting

This is our last post this year concerning Spanish container trade. CLAUpartners wishes all its readers a happy holiday season and above all a healthy 2021!

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